NHS Building Contractors Gallery
As a provider of building and M&E Services to the NHS, we are fully aware of the stringent rules which have to be adhered to. Where the refurbishment of a doctors practice is taking place, an understanding of how the project is funded is paramount, particularly if money is being signed off at particular stages of the build process. Good communication channels with the medical and admin team are imperative and let’s not forget any important stakeholders who will also want their say. Regular meetings keep everyone in the loop, with changes to the program investigated to see how it might impact on the practice. Having a clear understanding of the needs of the practice is also an important part of the process too. Whether it be clinics held on particular days or access to the building by patience with special needs, these are all things that need to go into the planning process.
In 2017 the team were appointed to construct a large extension to a local doctors surgery. You can read about the project and our healthcare building contractor services here. This page has been constructed to run in tandem with the case study page and helps pull our description of the project together.
Are you looking for an NHS building contractor to help with your project? Feel free to call or email us with any enquiries.
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