Constructionline Members List

Approved Builders

At Gravitas Build, we are proud to call ourselves a Constructionline approved company.

In doing so, we have demonstrated the ability to maintain a high standard of practice, and the ability to adhere to rules and regulations designed to protect both buyers and suppliers alike, big and small, throughout the whole of the UK.

Constructionline certified and approved.

On a par with our dedication to customer service and satisfaction, health & safety is our number one priority. As a Regulatory body, Constructionline has laid down standard’s that are nationally recognised and have evolved over many years with the help of experts in the industry.

Maintaining a motivation for health and safety, our employees are consistently trained and developed to keep up to date in their profession, exceeding expectations and customer satisfaction.



We provide a standard of service that reassures our clients of our dedication to quality, safety and professionalism that we believe can’t be beaten.

We have committed to meet all requirements for environmental policies, take moral responsibility and ethical practice.

The construction industry is complex and stretches much further than building regulations and planning permission to secure a job well done. We combine our service with a demonstration of our commitment to meet requirements for environmental policies, moral responsibility and ethical practice within the workplace, on and off-site.

The guidelines give everyone, most importantly, our customers, the peace of mind that we have done right by all parties involved, and that we are globally responsible for our impact on the environment. We are very pleased to be on the Constructionline Members List.

Victoria Butcher MD

Constructionline sets forth a standard set by the multinational British Standards Institution (BSI) and the PAS 91, the standard for construction-related procurement. It contains a prequalification questionnaire to monitor and approve its members.
You can rest assured that we will consistently deliver to a high standard and do everything in our power to exceed your expectations. And there’s certainly no shame in that.

If you would like to find out more about Gravitas Build’s services, have a question or would like us to visit you to discuss your project requirements, please contact us here. We will be pleased to help.

Call us on 0121 403 3693 for a FREE quote.


Need help developing your own Construction or Refurbishment project? Or maybe you need help with a Mechanical and Electrical Installation. Send us a message with your details, we'd love to hear from you.


(0121) 403 3693

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